================= OS-Faults + Rally ================= Combination of OS-Faults and `Rally`_ gives a powerful tool to test OpenStack high availability and fail-over under the load. Fault injection is implemented with help of Rally `Fault Injection Hook`_. Following is an example of Rally scenario performing Keystone authentication with restart of one of Memcached services: .. code-block:: yaml --- Authenticate.keystone: - runner: type: "constant_for_duration" duration: 30 concurrency: 5 context: users: tenants: 1 users_per_tenant: 1 hooks: - name: fault_injection args: action: restart memcached service on one node trigger: name: event args: unit: iteration at: [100] The moment of fault injection can be specified as iteration number or in time relative to the beginning of the test: .. code-block:: yaml trigger: name: event args: unit: time at: [10] Parameter `action` contains fault specification in human-friendly format, see :ref:`Human API` for details. More on reliability testing of OpenStack: * `Reliability Test Plan`_ in OpenStack performance documentation * `Keystone authentication with restart memcached report`_ collected in OpenStack deployed by Fuel * `Introduction into reliability metrics`_ video cast .. references: .. _Rally: http://rally.readthedocs.io .. _Fault Injection Hook: http://docs.xrally.xyz/projects/openstack/en/0.10.0/plugins/plugin_reference.html?highlight=fault_injection#fault-injection-hook-action .. _Reliability Test Plan: https://docs.openstack.org/performance-docs/latest/test_plans/reliability/version_2/plan.html .. _Keystone authentication with restart memcached report: https://docs.openstack.org/performance-docs/latest/test_results/reliability/version_2/reports/keystone/authenticate_with_restart_memcached_service_on_one_node/index.html .. _Introduction into reliability metrics: https://youtu.be/MIj4clkKtfY